Electric or Gas Heater: Which One Should I Install?

Want to keep your house warm this winter but can't decide whether to go with an electric or gas heater? TPR Plumbing & gas, one of the best emergency plumbers in Perth are here to assist you.


Choosing the proper heater might be difficult, whether you're planning for the season change in advance or have just experienced the first frosty morning. Electric and gas heaters are the two most popular options for heating a house during the winter months, but which is better? We evaluated the two varieties on the basis of purchase price, operating expenses, safety, and functionality to make your selection a little simpler.

The fundamentals

Electric heaters come in a variety of sizes and designs, are lightweight, and are ideal for heating small rooms or individuals. According to Perth plumbers & gas fitters, they connect into a standard outlet like a regular appliance, making them portable.


Gas heaters, on the other hand, effectively heat big rooms but are heavy in size and/or weight. It's also crucial to understand the differences between the two types of gas heaters and how they affect your house. Flued heaters exhaust gases through a flue or a pipe to the outdoors. This eliminates carbon monoxide and water vapour from the house, which is standard for any gas heater. The cost of purchasing and installing this model is usually higher. Unflued heaters are lightweight and do not require a chimney.


The gases and water vapour, however, are discharged into the room, so make sure your house is sufficiently ventilated.


Other effective home heating choices include reverse cycle air conditioning, combustion stoves, and underfloor heating, although they all require installation, which may be costly, and aren't necessarily appropriate for every home. If you have the funds and the correct location, they are absolutely worth looking into as a solution.


The contrast

Let's compare and contrast electric and gas heaters to find which one is best for you.




Gas Heater Electric Heater
Cost and energy efficiency Gas heaters are significantly more energy efficient and cost less to operate than electric heaters. Look for energy star designations to assist you choose the most energy efficient heater, which will result in lower energy costs. Gas prices per unit in Australia are much cheaper than electricity pricing. This is why, while having a lower initial purchase price, electric heaters are more expensive to run than ordinary gas heaters.
Installation Process An expert is required to install a gas heater. This verifies that all elements are properly installed and that the gas line is free of leaks. You'll need to have it professionally re-installed if you wish to transfer it to a different wall. Electric heaters need little to no work to install. They are generally compact and portable, with only a power cord connecting them.



Safety Gas heaters should be maintained professionally every few years to verify that everything is working properly. Carbon monoxide and water vapour are naturally produced by them (which can attract mould).


Using an electric heater has a number of drawbacks. Because of the high wattage, it might cause an electric fire if left on for an extended amount of time (especially if it's an outdated model that isn't energy efficient).
Size & appearances Gas heaters are larger and heavier than electric heaters, and they often take up more area in a room. They aren't necessarily the most attractive gadgets, and they lack the design flexibility that electric heaters provide. Electric heaters are famous for their mobility as well as their small size. They come in a variety of forms and sizes, so you'll have no trouble finding something to fit your needs. Electric heaters have more styles available on the market, and they tend to seem more sleek and modern.
Portability Flued gas heaters must be linked to a gas pipe in the wall, limiting their mobility. If you live in a rental, you'll need to consult with your landlord before installing a gas line, and there will be a cost associated with the installation. An electric heater may be readily moved from one room to another. This is especially useful if you rent and move frequently, since you can simply disconnect the heater and transport it.



Purchasing price The upfront cost of a gas heater will always be higher than that of an electric heater. Electric heaters are frequently less expensive than gas heaters. The cost varies based on the brand, size, and additional amenities included.




Summing Up Words


When deciding between electric and gas heating, take into account your home's demands, your present lifestyle, and the amount you're prepared to spend. Take a suggestion from Perth plumbers & gas fitters as well. Gas heaters are often less expensive to run in the long run and are also better at heating bigger living spaces. A gas heater, on the other hand, has a far higher upfront cost.


TPR Plumbing & gas which offer commercial plumbing services in Perth propose an electric heater if you don't want to make the hefty upfront expenditure in gas heating. If you need to heat a small to modestly sized space, they are the ideal choice. Furthermore, because of their mobility, they are excellent for one person and more handy if you are likely to relocate from time to time.